Eyelash Extension
Eyelash Extensions adalah prosedur pemasangan bulu mata palsu yang ditempelkan satu persatu pada bulu mata asli dengan lem khusus sehingga membuat tampilan bulu mata menjadi lebih panjang, tebal dan lentik namun tetap terasa nyaman seperti bulu mata asli.
Keuntungan eyelash extension:
- Bulu mata terlihat lebih panjang, tebal, dan lentik ( Add Volume to Your Natural Lashes)
- Dapat membuat tampilan mata lebih youthful, sexy, glamour (Enhance Your Eyes)
- Tidak perlu lagi pemakaian mascara atau penjepit bulu mata (Save Time During Your Morning Routine)
- Menambah rasa percaya diri (Self Confidence Boost)
Eyelash Extension
Eyelash Extensions is a procedure for installing false eyelashes that are attached one by one to the natural eyelashes with special glue so that they make the appearance of the eyelashes longer, thicker and curly but still feel comfortable like real eyelashes.
Advantages of eyelash extension:
- Eyelashes look longer, thicker, and curly (Add Volume to Your Natural Lashes)
- Can make the eyes look more youthful, sexy, glamour (Enhance Your Eyes)
- No more mascara or eyelash curlers (Save Time During Your Morning Routine)
- Increase self-confidence (Self Confidence Boost)